Thursday, February 11, 2010

Contact Information

Hospital : Northeastern Vermon Regional #802-748-8141

Roman Catholic: Our Lady Queen of Peace
United Church of Christ: Danville Congregetional # 802-684-2176
United Methodist: Danville United Methodist Church # 802-684-3389
Walden UMC (West Danville) # 802-684-1201

Caledonia Central Supervisory Union # 802-684-3801
Danville School # 802-684-3651

Population (from the 2000 Census): 2211
Registered Voters 1509
Telephone Numbers
Emergency.......................................... 911

Rescue Squad, Emergency....... 684-2200

Rescue Squad, Information...... 684-9600

Fire, Emergency.................................. 911

Fire, Information........................ 684-2264

State Police, St. Johnsbury........ 748-3111

Forest Fire Warden....................

Fish and Wildlife....................... 751-0100

VT Poison Center....................... 658-3456

Health Center.............................. 684-2275

Danville School........................... 684-2292..&.. 684-3651

Superintendent’s Office............. 684-3801

Town Clerk's Office.................... 684-3352

Town Garage............................... 684-3362

Town Administrator.................. 684-3426

Pope Library................................ 684-2256

Health Officer.............................. 684-3426

Animal Control Officer.............. 748-4230

Water District Operator ............684-3822

Zoning Administrator ..............684-3352

Send a Fax.....................................684-9606


Office Hours and Meeting Times
Town Clerk’s Office............................ Monday-Friday 8-4 (we’re open through the lunch hour)

Recycling and Fast Trash................... Saturday, 9-12 (Railroad Station on Peacham Road)

Selectboard Meetings.......................... 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. (Town Hall)

Development Review Board...............1st Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. (Town Hall)

School Board Meetings....................... 1st Monday of each month (Danville School)

Danville Rescue Squad Meetings......1st Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. (Rescue Building)

Fire Department Meetings....................2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. (Fire Station)

Danville Fair............................................ August 6th & 7th , 2010

Autumn on the Green........................... October 4th , 2009

Information from

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